Venez bénir vos maris en compagnie de la belle Sandrine Nnanga 2.0
RDV au Playce Yaoundé du 23 au 25 Mars pour la saison 2 du MTN ZiK Festival.
Inscris-toi ici https://mtn.cm/zik/
Come and bless your husbands with the beautiful Sandrine Nnanga.
See you at the Playce Yaoundé from 23 to 25 March for the second season of the MTN ZiK Festival.
Register here https://mtn.cm/zik/
Quelles activités as-tu mené pendant les vacances afin de t'occuper?👌🏽
YaMo te souhaite une excellente rentrée scolaire 2024-2025 !
Et surtout, rejoins le mouvement YaMo sur yamo.mtn.cm
What activities did you engage in during the holidays to keep yourself occupied? 👌🏽
YaMo wishes you an excellent back-to-school for 2024-2025!
And most importantly, join the YaMo movement at yamo.mtn.cm